Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner

A Size for Every Need

Effective Pool Maintenance


This innovative product acts as a powerful surface cleaner, effortlessly removing lime, scale, rust, stains, and algae deposits from ceramic tile, molded or pneumatic formed concrete surfaces, ensuring your pool or spa remains clean and inviting.

Versatile Pool Area Surface Cleaner


Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is a non-toxic solution for your pool maintenance need, providing a chemically free solution for effectively cleaning pool and spa surfaces.

Chemically Neutral Product


No need to drain the pool, Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is chemically neutral, making it a safe and reliable option for maintaining your pool’s water quality without disrupting its pH balance.

Ready-to-Use & Easy Application


Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is ready to use without the need for gloves, and a range of sizes for spot, surface, and underwater cleaning, water cleaning, provide a convenient and user-friendly solution for regular pool maintenance.

Safe Pool Cleaning Solution


Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is safe for skin contact and can be used around children and pets, offering peace of mind while ensuring a clean and enjoyable pool experience.

Learn More About Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner

Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is a trusted solution for maintaining the cleanliness of your pool or spa surfaces. Available in various sizes to suit different pool maintenance needs, this versatile product effectively removes lime, scale, rust, stains, and algae deposits from ceramic tile, molded or pneumatic formed concrete surfaces, ensuring your pool remains clean and inviting all year round.

With its chemically neutral formula, Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner provides safe and reliable pool maintenance without disrupting the pH balance of your pool. Whether for spot, surface, or underwater cleaning, Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner delivers exceptional results, making pool maintenance effortless and worry-free.


How to Use Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner

Please read the entire label’s instructions carefully before using.

Preparation: Ensure the pool or spa surface to be cleaned is free from debris and contaminants.

Application: Simply wet the Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner and gently scrub the affected areas with a back-and-forth motion, allowing its abrasive action to work effectively.

Rinse: After cleaning, rinse the treated areas with water to remove any residue.

Storage: Store Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner in a dry place after use.

Do not use Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner on glazed decorative tile, vinyl, acrylic, fiberglass, wood, or polished metal surfaces. Test in a small inconspicuous area first to see results.

For more product information, see our Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

Frequently Asked Questions About Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner

Can Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner remove lime deposits from pools?


Yes, Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is specifically designed to remove lime deposits from pool surfaces, ensuring a clean and inviting pool environment.

Is Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner safe for maintaining the pH balance of my pool?


Absolutely! Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is chemically neutral, making it a safe and reliable option for regular pool maintenance without disrupting the pH balance of your pool water.

How often should I use Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner for pool maintenance?


The frequency of use depends on the condition of your pool surfaces and your maintenance routine. For best results, incorporate Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner into your regular pool maintenance schedule.

Is Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner safe to use around children and pets?


Yes, Pool Blok® Tile & Concrete Cleaner is non-toxic and free from harsh chemicals, making it safe for use in homes with children and pets.

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