Cleaning Tips

Leaky Hose No Challenge for Iron OUT

Iron OUT Outdoor Rust Stain Remover

Leaky Hose No Challenge for Iron OUT

“We were away for a month and had several people taking care of our yard. At some point, someone left the hose on outside and the dripping tap it was attached to left a massive iron stain on the sidewalk. (Our well water is full of iron and it doesn’t take much to make a mess!) Our daughter, absolutely horrified, sent a picture.

I wasn’t worried. I had Iron OUT in my cupboard and I KNEW how great it worked. (I use it regularly in my washing machine to keep my white towels sparkling white!) We got home and the following morning, I went out to tackle the problem. I wet the area, sprinkled the Iron OUT, rubbed it in a bit, left it and VOILA – you can see the results! Even knowing how great this product is, I was still impressed!

Thank you for making such excellent products. I REMAIN a believer in Iron OUT!”


– Eileen Dueck

Your Trusted Partner in Specialized Cleaning Solutions for Over Six Decades

6714 Pointe Inverness Way, Suite 200
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
