Tired of Striking Out with Dirty Baseball Pants?
Keep Sports Uniforms White and Bright
Spring is upon us, and the boys (and girls) of summer are already bringing home evidence of their hard-earned wins and losses on the knees and seats of their white uniforms. Keeping baseball, softball and T-ball pants and jerseys clean is the bane of parents everywhere…so much spraying, soaking, scrubbing, and bleaching, with only marginal success.
A baseball mom from North Carolina wrote us recently on behalf the thousands of mothers nationwide who struggle to keep their children’s sports uniforms looking presentable. In her case (and like many baseball parents), doing so generally meant just buying new baseball pants. But then she discovered OUT® White Brite® Laundry Whitener and has become a proud “spokes-mom” among her friends.
“After seven years of baseball, I was introduced to White Brite last year,” she said. “For years, we would just replace our son’s pants. I have loved the results White Brite has had on his uniforms over the past year but was made a TRUE BELIEVER this past Saturday. You can see from the ‘before’ picture just how bad they looked…the worst stains thus far this season! And the ‘after’ picture says it all…other moms could not believe how clean his pants were and thought I had just purchased him new ones like most of us had done in the past. Hopefully I have proven to them that your product is the way to go from here on out!”
OUT White Brite is made specifically to tackle the dirt and dinginess caused by rust, ground-in red dirt and red clay. Take her word for it and make sure your kids’ uniforms are winners!
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